Mental Illness and Work

We were created to work. If we look at Genesis, even before the fall, Adam and Eve worked. Work does not look the same for everyone, but it is something that we should do. Work can be raising children, housework, a career, volunteering, or anything that makes a difference in the world. For many of us the majority of our work is in a job or career because we need to make money. But how does mental illness influence our work?

As someone who has a mental illness, I know that it does influence work to some extent. It can make getting out of bed harder, feeling less motivated or just not caring, having panic attacks, or simply focusing on just getting through the day rather than enjoying my job and coworkers. I have recently graduated with my Bachelors, and now I am transitioning back into working. If I am honest, it has been and is hard for me. Not because I’m lazy or don’t want to work, but because I have panic attacks and very low self-efficacy. I have little to no faith in myself to be able to do my job.

I wanted to share this with you all because it is a journey for me and I know that it is hard for some of you as well. So, I’m going to work on finding things to help me get through on the hard days. I have a list of things that I am going to try (and if you have some things that help you feel free to leave them in the comments!):
• Watching/listening to motivating speeches/sermons
• Taking a journal to work with me that has encouraging things in it and I can write in
• Using mantras in the moments when I want to break down
• Carry something or wear something that comforts me
• Bring/buy something that I enjoy for lunch
• Wake up early/give myself time to breathe and focus myself before work
• Start therapy weekly

Those are some things I am going to try to implement in my day, especially before work or during my break time. I have goals that I want to reach and I’m guessing that you do too. So let’s motivate each other, especially on our hard days. We CAN do this. I believe in you and me. Keep shinning your light and breaking silence ❤

Xoxo, Kelly (@smilexokelly on all social sites)

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