Checking in… it’s been awhile!

Life has been absolutely wild over here. I finally got settled at our new base, my husband's work shifts are constantly changing, and I opened my own child care business. My health has definitely taken the back burner and I can tell. It so easy to fall off track when you're juggling many different things... Continue Reading →

My Faith Journey

I’m writing this later than I intended. Approaching Easter weekend my plan was to talk about Jesus death and resurrection, but I feel led to share my own journey as a follower of Jesus. I decided to share my testimony this week, what God has done in my life, and where I am at today.... Continue Reading →

See Yourself, and Your Life, Differently

Have you ever struggled with seeing your own worth? So many people have dealt with this at some point, and many still do. Especially with social media and constantly seeing people’s highlight reels. It is easy to feel inadequate, unworthy, forgotten, misunderstood, and lonely. We feel like nothing we do measures up. I’m here to... Continue Reading →

Mental Illness and Work

We were created to work. If we look at Genesis, even before the fall, Adam and Eve worked. Work does not look the same for everyone, but it is something that we should do. Work can be raising children, housework, a career, volunteering, or anything that makes a difference in the world. For many of... Continue Reading →

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