Mental Illness Series: Dissociative Disorders and Sleep Wake Disorders

We all have times where we may zone out or daydream, we may feel a little off somedays and all of those feelings are normal. But what happens when someone feels like the world around them is not real or they are not real, this is dissociating. Approximately 2% of people experience a dissociative disorder... Continue Reading →

Mental Illness Series: Neurodevelopment Disorders

We all struggle from time to time, with paying attention, remember things, and even during social interactions. There are people who during childhood developed disorders that impact their daily functioning, they have a neurodevelopment disorder. Approximately 280 million people worldwide suffer from a neurodevelopment disorder (Ritchie and Roser, n.d.). Stigma and false information about ADHD... Continue Reading →

Brain Blog

This week is (March 11-17) is brain awareness week! Our brains do so much for us, literally they allow us to do things like type this blog, read this blog, think about what we're reading, remember things, and so much more. I think we should take some time to learn about and appreciate our brains.... Continue Reading →

Mental Illness: Personality Disorders

Everyone has a personality and their own type of temperament. Many people develop normal personalities throughout their lives. When someone’s personality gets in the way of functioning in life and with others, there is a problem. Approximately 6% of the world’s population has a personality disorder (Tyrer, et el., 2010). Stigma and false information about... Continue Reading →

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